Life is a Treasure
Life is also full of challenges and transitions. Often, we aren't prepared or warned for these trials in our lives. This podcast, hosted by Michelle Durand will encourage and inspire you if you're dealing with changes in your relationship with yourself or others. Michelle also invites some incredible guests to the show with stories that will uplift your soul. We hope that you enjoy it and would love to hear from you if you do. Please feel free to share with someone who may need some encouragement in life to find the treasures again!
Life is a Treasure
VISIONS and UPDATES for 2023 Episodes
In this FIRST Episode of 2023, I share my REFLECTIONS over the past years of podcasting and the changes that I will try to implement in this NEW YEAR and I hope that you will continue to join me on this incredible journey.
If you'd like to join me on YouTube, here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0IgdKpzt8TGi2sbXuAn3w
I'd love to hear from you and add you to my EMAIL NEWSLETTER to keep you updated: michellemareedurand@gmail.com
Thank YOU so much for joining me today!!
Michelle Maree
"True Treasures are Invisible"